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Supplementing Lab Analysis with Inline Measurements

Inline instrumentation reduces production downtime, off-spec product and manual grab sampling

Food & beverage lab worker takes process manual grab samples for analysis in the plant's lab ©Endress+Hauser

Currently, food plants rely on lab analysis of samples collected manually to ensure product quality at various process points. The challenge with relying on lab analysis is that it’s not done in real-time, time-consuming, labor intensive and leaves room for manual errors. In this article, we’ll show examples of how instrumentation can be used for online quality control to replace lab testing, speed up measurements, enable immediate corrective actions, and automate the quality control system.

Optimize quality and increase throughput

Modern inline process analyzers and instruments can reliably replace or supplement many of the measurements traditionally made in a lab. Moving from offline to inline measurements cuts labor costs by eliminating manual sampling and analysis, and it adds consistency by automating the measurement process. Inline measurement delivers results in real-time, allowing automation systems to continually adjust process parameters to optimize quality and increase throughput.